The purpose of the PAF is to communicate the need for Facilities Operations to assist Campus Partners with changes or additions to the buildings or grounds of Spring Hill College. The PAF will contain specific information about the project needs, as well as the funding authorization, for Facilities Operations to procure the Scope of Work, whether by in-house resources, external parties, or a combination thereof.
When in doubt as to whether a PAF should be submitted, Campus Partners should submit a Work Order Request for their need. When Facilities Operations receives a Work Order Request for a Scope of Work that requires a PAF, Facilities Operations will request a PAF from the Campus Partner, and assist with completion of the form, if needed.
When the PAF is completed, funding has been authorized, and it has been approved by the Vice President of Finance, Facilities Operations will initiate procurement, confirm budgets, and coordinate with the Campus Partner through an assigned project manager in Facilities Operations. The project manager will coordinate with the Campus Partner throughout the design, construction, and close out of the project.