Mission Statement

College ought to be a time of discovery, exploration and self-expression within a community that understands, fosters and celebrates differences, diversity and individuality while promoting respect and understanding for all people. Acknowledging this truth, we, the students of Spring Hill College, have created a student organization to promote this vision of collegiate freedom, individuality and respect for all expression.
Too often, we have seen and felt the injustices of misunderstanding and hate. Too often, we have heard the deafening silence of those too afraid to speak out for themselves. Too often, we have witnessed the harm caused by the apathy of many to the plight of a few. For this reason that we,  as students of Spring Hill College, recognizing the college’s need to foster a diverse student body and welcoming community and believing that such a community is not only possible but obligatory within the college’s teachings of Christian understanding and social justice, seek to engage, educate and promote understanding within Spring Hill’s community for all people, particularly members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQQA) community as well as their allies.


It is the purpose of P.R.I.D.E to  promote and foster those things outlined within the following provisions for and among all members of the Spring Hill College community regardless of sexual-orientation, sex, gender-identity, race, religion, creed, or membership within this or any other student organization. 
  • Safety: It is the firm belief of all members of P.R.I.D.E that all people deserve to be safe and feel protected from physical, psychological, and emotional harm. For this reason, we, the members of P.R.I.D.E, will never tolerate, participate in or condone any behavior done out of malice, ignorance or negligence which seeks to or which causes harm (either intentionally or unintentionally) in any capacity to another person or which threatens any person’s right to feel safe.
  • Awareness: We believe that the trials and problems faced by the LGBTQQA community are and have been largely ignored by the larger community and student body, not out of active malice but rather out of apathy and a general lack of awareness both to the problems of the LGBTQQA community, and its own internal diversity. Therefore, we believe that it is our obligation to show the larger student body the trials and plight of its LGBTQQA members and to demonstrate both the depth and breadth of the Spring Hill LGBTQQA community, in the hope that such awareness comes with greater sensitivity and respect.
  • Education: We know that education is essential to mutual understanding and amelioration, and recognize that such education is often produced outside of the classroom. Therefore, we shall promote and sponsor programs which seek to educate members of the larger Spring Hill Community not only about its own LGBTQQA members but also about LGBTQQA persons worldwide.
  • Understanding: We hope that all people can come to recognize the innate value of all peoples regardless of individual differences and understand that each and every person deserves and is due mutual respect. Towards this goal, we shall promote and sponsor programs and activities which foster understanding between all peoples and promote intra-group contact and non-hostile engagement.
  • Community Engagement: We acknowledge that the problems faced by LGBTQQA members on Spring Hill’s campus are only symptoms of a larger societal ill, and that active engagement within the larger local, state, regional and national levels will be essential to our ultimate goals of fostering respect and understanding between all people. To this end we, the members of Spring Hill P.R.I.D.E shall foster and maintain positive relationships within the larger Mobile and Gulf-coast LGBTQQA communities (in so far as these relationships further our goals).
  • Acceptance: It is our belief that all peoples, regardless of sexual-orientation, sex, gender-identity, race, religion, creed, or membership within this or any other student organization, deserve respect and a have a right to feel accepted within their community. We, as responsible members of the Spring Hill Community and as members of P.R.I.D.E believe it is our firm obligation to protect and promote the acceptance of all people. Keeping this goal in mind, we vow to not only provide an accepting and welcoming environment to all peoples, but also to promote, protect and advocate on the behalf of policies which embrace the values of acceptance and understanding; and to fervently oppose policies (either official or unofficial) which alienate, disenfranchise or which otherwise discriminates between all peoples.
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